Julie Fortenberry

picture books


Prints for Sale!

Giclée prints of this illustration from Grandpa and Jake
Size: 23.00 x 12.00
$45 including shipping (in the continental US)


I'm the keynote speaker for Curating your Craft: Annual Eastern PA Virtual Illustrator Day!
More info from SCBWI--https://www.scbwi.org/events/curating-your-craft-annual-epa-virtual-illustrator-day

Is your child signed up for Dolly Parton's Imagination Library? Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails free, high-quality books to children from birth to age five, no matter their family’s income. Sign up here:


My copies of the Hungarian edition of Grandpa and Jake arrived today!


Grandpa and Jake is a 2023 Imagination Library Book! Download the entire list here: https://imaginationlibrary.com/ilData/usrFiles/2023/01/2023-dpil-book-list-usa-core-rev2.pdf

Eastern PA Art Exhibit
A month-long art gallery showcase of Illustrations from Eastern PA SCBWI members at the Gladwyne Free Library, 362 Righters Mill Road, Gladwyne PA 19035.


The French edition of Grandpa and Jake will be out in 2023!

Author & Illustrator Night at Children's Book World!
Friday November 4th at 8pm

17 Haverford Station Rd., Haverford, PA 19041

2022 Children’s Book Week Join us November 7-13 for our second celebration. https://everychildareader.net/cbw/

PA friends! Visit the SCBWI illustration show at the Gladwyne Library from September 1st through September 30th. The gallery is on display during the libraries hours of operations.

Praise for Grandpa and Jake from PW!

2022 Eastern PA SCBWI Mentorship Program kicks off this month!